Friday 4 April 2008

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

The Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, located at Shau Kei Wan with a total area of 34,200 square meters, is converted from the hundred years' old Lei Yue Mun Fort.

Lei Yue Mun occupies a strategic position guarding the eastern approach to the Victoria Harbour. As early as 1844, barracks were built by the British at Saiwan to the south of the channel. However, with numerous deaths of soldiers caused by severe epidemics in the area, the barracks were abandoned shortly afterwards. Although there had been many suggestions to build batteries at Lei Yue Mun in the next forty years, none was ever realized.

By 1885, in face of possible attacks from France and Russia, the British decided to construct batteries on the headland to the south of the Lei Yue Mun Channel. Designed and built by the Royal Engineers, the Redoubt was the core of the Lei Yue Mun fortifications. An area of 7,000 square meters was first dug up from the summit of the Lei Yue Mun Headland. Eighteen casemates were then constructed to function as barrack rooms, magazines, shell store and coal store. The structures were then concealed by earth. The construction was largely completed by 1887.

There was an open courtyard in the centre of the Redoubt for assembly purposes. The Redoubt was armed with two 6 inch breech loading disappearing guns and was surrounded by a ditch. Meanwhile, a group of batteries were built which ran along the ridge of the Headland from east to west, including the Reverse, Central, West and Pass Batteries. The guns installed at Lei Yue Mun could be fired at different ranges to completely cover the approach to the Lei Yue Mun Channel. In 1890, the Brennan Torpedo station was installed at the shoreline of the Lei Yue Mun Headland, which was believed at that time to be the world's most powerful underwater weapon.

On 8 December 1941, launched their attacks on Hong Kong. After the fall of the New Territories and Kowloon, the British Forces immediately strengthened the defences at Lei Yue Mun to prevent the Japanese from crossing the Lei Yue Mun Channel from Devil's Peak. Although the defence forces managed to repulse several raids by the Japanese, they were eventually overwhelmed and the Fort finally fell into enemy hands on 19 December. The Fort no longer bore any defence significance in the post-war period, and became a training ground for the British Forces until 1987 when it was finally vacated.

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